
Last Updated: November 22, 2024

1. What publicly available information does Harvey access to develop its AI platform?

Harvey accesses publicly available legal information like judgments, public filings, statutes and legislation, and public briefs to improve its AI platform. The public information that we use is similar to the information that most law firms access on a daily basis to help serve their customers.

Some of the publicly available information we use may relate to an individual and, in some jurisdictions, is considered Personal Data. Harvey processes this data only to provide context to a customer query so that our AI platform can provide more relevant responses. The publicly available information is not used intentionally to identify an individual.

Privacy Rights and Data Processing

Our Privacy Policy explains how we process personal data and includes details about how you can contact us to exercise your rights. Individuals in some jurisdictions may, among other things, request a copy of their personal data or request it be deleted. These rights are not absolute but we make every effort to respond to such requests.

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